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Bridgeland Highland Model Prairieland Village


1. Pick up a map and tour card at the Welcome Center or any participating model home.

*Visit a minimum of 5 models in Creekland Village, 3 in Prairieland Village, 1 in Bridgeland Central, and in Parkland Village, 1 home in Parkland Row, 2 homes in Colorado Bend, and 1 home in Falcon. Guests that complete the tour and visit the minimum specified homes will receive a $25 gift card to be redeemed at one of the following Lakeland Village Center retailers: Chilosos Taco House, CVS, L3 Craft Coffee, Local Table, Marble Slab/Great American Cookie Co., or Russo’s NY Pizzeria. You’ll also be entered to win our grand prize drawing for a $2,500 Visa gift card.

2. Once you’ve completed the tour, go to the Welcome Center with your tour card to receive the $25 gift card and to enter for a chance to win the $2,500 grand prize drawing.

The Welcome Center closes at 5 PM daily (16919 N. Bridgeland Lake Pkwy.). There is an after-hours drop box for guests to turn in their game card and a $25 Amazon gift card will be emailed the following business day.

Download Model Home Map Driving Directions

*No purchase necessary. Only one entry permitted per family. Register to win card must be filled out by a person 18 years or older. Participants that visit a minimum of 13 model homes in specified areas will receive one $25 gift card to be redeemed at one of the following Lakeland Village Center retailers: Chilosos Taco House, CVS, L3 Craft Coffee, Local Table, Marble Slab/Great American Cookie Co., or Russo’s NY Pizzeria. Participants must visit a minimum of 5 homes at the Creekland Model Home Park, 3 homes at the Prairieland Model Home Park, 1 home in Bridgeland Central, and in Parkland Village, 1 home in Parkland Row, 2 homes in Colorado Bend, and 1 home in Falcon. Participants that complete the tour and visit the minimum 13 specified homes will be entered for a chance to win a $2,500 Visa gift card. Upon tour completion, you must go to the Welcome Center with your completed tour card to receive your $25 gift card and enter the $2,500 grand prize drawing. Welcome Center closes at 5 PM daily. There is an after-hours drop box for guests to turn in game card and a $25 Amazon gift card will be emailed the following business day. Winner of grand prize will be selected at random after June 26, 2023, and need not be present to win. Winner will have 30 days to claim prize or a new winner will be chosen. No prize substitutions will be permitted. Grand prize winner must fill out a W9 for tax purposes. The Howard Hughes Corporation® reserves the right to change or cancel the promotion at any time.